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Salt Croissant Box 4pcs



Product Details

Any 4 pieces from salt Croissant

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Your Cold Coffee: ( Choose up to 3 items ) (Maximum 3 Selections Allowed)

Your Hot Coffee (Choose up to 7 items) (Maximum 7 Selections Allowed)

Your Choice Of 1st Croissant(Choose 1) (Minimum 1 and Maximum 1 Selections Allowed)

Your Choice Of 2nd Croissant (Choose 1) (Minimum 1 and Maximum 1 Selections Allowed)

Your Choice Of 3rd Croissant(Choose 1) (Minimum 1 and Maximum 1 Selections Allowed)

Your Choice Of 4th Croissant(Choose 1) (Minimum 1 and Maximum 1 Selections Allowed)

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