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Joker Burger

Al Azaibah

  • 30 mins Delivery Time
  • OMR 0.200 Delivery Fee

Joker Burger

Al Azaibah

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  • clock 24 x 7 Open

Joker Sandwiches (5)

Joker Fries


Joker Beef Burger


American angus beef 170 grams, 4.5 inch soft brioche bun, special joker sauce, two slices of american cheese, caramelized onions, choose your sauce for free.
Joker Beef Burger Meal


American angus beef 170 grams, 4.5 inch soft brioche bun, special joker sauce, two slices of american cheese, caramelized onions, choose your sauce for free
Joker Chicken Burger


Three slices of crispy tender chicken breast, 4.5 inches of soft brioche bread, special joker sauce, American iceberg with special ranch mixture, two slices of American cheese, French sauce , and a drizzle of special seasoning all over
Joker Chicken Burger Meal


Three slices of crispy tender chicken breast, 4.5 inches of soft brioche bread, special joker sauce, American iceberg with special ranch mixture, two slices of American cheese, French sauce , and a drizzle of special seasoning all over
